Barbecued Pork Steaks in a Bun

One stormy day several years ago, I was watching Food Network and they were showing one of Pillsbury’s Bake – Off Contests, where contestants win as much as $1 million dollars for their recipes… My reaction was – WOW!  A $1 million dollar for a recipe?  Are these recipes really worth that much?  Do they…

Braised Spicy Chicken with 40 Garlic Cloves

Forty garlic cloves sound like a lot of garlic!  Some of you probably wonder how pungent or garlicky this dish is… Considering the large amount of garlic cloves in it.  If you are slightly worried… don’t be.  Because the garlic cloves are left whole and undisturbed.  Peeled of course!  The garlic remained mild and slightly…

Easy and Simple Egg Rolls (Lumpia)

Are you Filipino?  Do you make lumpia? These are two questions that I get asked often by Americans.  Years ago.  I would feel offended by these questions.  What do you mean do I make lumpia?  I can make all kinds of things.  Why does it have to be lumpia? It’s not until this past several…